Monday, 10 October 2011

The Hangover Part 2


We agreed to all meet at Jake's house to film the inside scenes (and the outside one of setting up the wedding if the weather was good) on Sunday 9th Oct. The shoot didn't go well... I was prepared with a smaller almost replica of the wedding cake and lots of formal dresses and ready to play Tracy if nobody else wanted to do it as Becky informed us that she was grounded and unable to make the shoot. More disaster struck when we heard that Nicole had broken her nose and was unable to make it. We though that we could still manage to shoot most of it but then I was kept two hours late at work and when I finally arrived, Beatrice hadn't shown up so we were only able to shoot the shot with the dress on the mannequin, the shot with the wedding cake and a few shots of the bride's dad and bridesmaid on the sofa with Ben H's parents. However it wasn't all bad. Jake had made a rig so that we could rest the camera on it and roll it along so that we got nice, smooth shots and everything we shot looked great. Another bonus was that myself, Bill, Jake and Ben got to eat the cake after we had finished the shots with it! It was rather nice even if I do say so myself...

Jake working the rig

Our set

The jig
Bill and Jake setting up a shot
Ben's parents ready to act

Ready to shoot the dress shot

The jig
Ben waiting to tuck in
The wedding cake - baked by me

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