Monday, 17 October 2011

The Hangover Part 3

On Saturday, Bill, Jake, Ben, Nicole and I aimed to finish shooting the beginning of 'The Hangover'. We arranged to meet at Jake's house at 10am however as always, we had a few problems. Firstly, our friend Becky (who was cast to play the bride) was still grounded and so we had to re-cast Nicole as the bride at the last minute. This wasn't ideal as Nicole hadn't really had a chance to learn her lines but she did a good job. Also, Beatrice had left our group and joined another so we were short on extras. This meant that myself, Bill and Ben's mum had to be extras in most of the scenes and in some cases, we had to play multiple characters though hopefully it isn't that noticeable.

Changed cast list:

Phil - Ben Hurst
Stu - Ben Thorpe (a friend of ours)
Alan - Bill Mumford
Black Doug - Jamie Saunders (another friend of ours)
Tracy - Nicole O' Malley
Tracy's father - Ben H's dad
Tracy's mum - Jake's mum
Bridesmaid - Ben H's mum
Hairdresser - Me
Flower carrier #1 - Ben Hurst
Flower carrier #2 - Me

I brought four bridesmaid dresses, a clothes rail and a dress that we could put on the mannequin back to Jake's as we had to redo the shot with the dresses as the camera picked up some funny black lines that flickered across the screen. Annoyingly, this also occured on the cake shot. With the cake eaten by us the previous week and no time to make another, we had to settle for the shot we had. Ben had an idea to up the contrast and brightness levels on the shot in Premiere Pro to hopefully reduce the prominence of these black lines.

Overall, the shoot went quite well and we got everything done (even with multiple pizza, dorito and penguin breaks) Once we had finished shooting, we looked back over the footage from the Deep Lane shoot the week before. We realised that the wind and the noise from the nearby road ruined the shot a bit and so we decided that we would overdub it. Jake grabbed his THX microphone and we began overdubbing. It was quite hard for Ben to speak at exactly the same time he had before but after a couple of tries, he had it pretty much perfect.

There was nothing left to do but edit.

Nicole and I checking the original film for positioning of shots
Ben's parents ready to act once again
Ready to shoot
Shooting outside
Sound dubbing and editing
Jake and Nicole talking about sound changes

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