Monday, 14 November 2011

More After Effects Titling

A couple of days ago, James came in again and taught us various skills. Our task was to recreate the title scene of the Teletubbies. Sounds silly but I learnt a lot about the software and learnt lot of things that will be useful when it comes to my final production. James gave us all the files we needed to work with (pictures of a sky, a baby (for the sun) and the teletubbies' home). Firstly, we had to remove most of the background from the image with the baby and feather the edges. We had to zoom into the sky so we just had clouds instead of buildings and powerlines at the bottom of the image and that became our background. We then layered the home of the Teletubbies on top of everything and then we learnt how to animate it. I learnt how to make the baby move where I wanted, when I wanted and then I realised that I would have to move the foreground down and out of the image as the baby rose else it wouldn't look right. Once I had my animation sorted, James showed me how to create a sun out of simply using the 'create shape' mask. We started off with a five point star and manipulated it to make it look like a sun. I added more point, blurred it, applied a wiggle and twist animation and then created a slightly smaller duplicate to put in front of it. Hopefully this made it slightly more realistic.

Today, James was in again and we learnt about animating text. We learnt how to make it follow a random path that we created, we learnt about zooming, blurring (as well as blurring just one or two letters at a time) and after I felt comfortable with the software, I experimented myself with a few different animations. I uploaded them to my YouTube account and posted them here.

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